Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gist statment

In the battlefield Sergeant major and Mr.White in London fighting against the Indian tribes called the monkeys paw. Everyone in the army had a wish for the fight to stop, but it did not, it kept going for weeks. The fear of the chance of what they are fighting India for was actually a curse. They are thinking the despair they were talking about getting because of taking the ancient statue. But it does not belong to the monkeys paw tribe. Although everyone thought about that because the statue was actually shaped as a monkeys paw. After some months the battle ended, the tribe started to disappear as they turned into thin air. Sergeant major went into the cave and took the statue. When they left, there was no curse and they returned the statue to the original owner, aka the most important person in london at the time and then everyone went back to their homes to celebrate their victory.  

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