a) State whether you Agree or Disagree with the following statements.
b) Provide a few sentences to justify your Agree or Disagree response.
c) Pick ONE to develop into a lengthier, more in-depth response (250 word minimum).
1) Parents treat all the their children equally.
2) Children’s behavior is based more on genetics than their surroundings- nature vs. nurture.
3) Children have the ability to make changes, help others in need, and even save lives.
4) It’s not difficult for children to make friends with children who are very different than themselves.
5) Children who have troubled homes will always have problems when they grow up.
6) People should feel bad about things which are not their fault.
7) Sometimes it’s fun to do bad things even if people might get hurt in the process.
Anticipation Guide
ReplyDelete1) Parents treat all their children equally….
I agree parents treat all their children equally because parents love all their children the same way. However it might not seem like it because the child did something bad and they punish him/her but they still love them equally. Parents sometimes give more attention to the smaller child because it needs more attention. This creates some frustration to the older child, who used to have full attention and love. It also develops competition and envy between brothers and sisters. Therefore parents are careful or try to mitigate these feelings by equally treating all children. Equal treatment means that all children will get the same value of gift, same amount and valued presents for Christmas and other celebrations cloths, electronic gadget etc. Also some parents also play cards (like mine) and the whole family can play that so all children are equally treated and loved. On the other hand punishment should be similar or equal too. Is that the case all the time? Of course is not. Each events are different and it is hard to judge or set the same punishment. The problem or challenge is that it is very difficult to keep and measure the equal love / punishment so the equal treatment. That is why it is quite common than children are “complaining” to the parents, but the parents did not agree, because they think or feel that they treat all children equally. My opinion is that parents try really hard to treat their children equally and I think they are successful.
By: Eszter Soós
Children Who Have Troubled Homes Will Always Have Troubles When They Grow-Up
ReplyDelete(Number 5)
by: Anja Hetsch
I DISAGREE because many kids do become very successful and happy when they grow-up, even if their homes were never really welcoming. Some pop-stars or other musicians have had a terrible childhood, including some parents that have divorced, but have become very famous and did not have any troubles about finding jobs and friends. Other people had had houses that were damaged, bills that were not payed because they were poor, but most of all, parents that kept on fighting over one finding a job the other being to lazy. But later, these people did get great friends and got good jobs like professional dentists or famous photographers! Some athletes have even been orphans in orphanages, where the other orphans might have been quite mean to them, and the caretaker couldn’t take care of everyone at once of course so some kids had gotten beat up sometimes. Still, they became athletes and got happy families and friends when they grew-up. Some people with usual jobs like selling cars, working in a shop, or else what, might also just have had a terrible home, including several divorces, new ‘Mums and Dads’ ,friends laughing them out for several reasons and other ‘dramatic’ situations. But they had a really nice life too, maybe they did not get really famous but they got to spend much more time with family, love and happiness. So it does not really matter how somebody’s homes are, as long as they follow their dreams and go straight for it, and do not become like the people they are with ( if those are bad people :).
Sometimes it’s fun to do bad things even if people might be hurt in the process.
I agree because sometimes when you do something bad, like when you throw eggs at someones house, you get an adrenaline rush when your running away and some people could find that amazing and fun. Sometimes it may not be fun, like when you are running away from police, but when its not that bad it can be even if someone gets hurt in the process (depending on how badly they get hurt). Also if your doing a bad thing because you need revenge it could be fun because you feel like your finally getting your own back on whatever you did to them and seeing the expression on their face when you do the bad thing. There are other bad things some people could do when they are trying to be doing a good thing e.g. There is a bully at your school and you throw eggs at his house, you may think your doing something good and its making you happy which for you is fun, or you are just doing it because you find it fun to hurt people or do something bad. If once you embarrass someone and say a joke about them it could make people laugh and again that could be fun once in a while even if the person is hurt by your comment and you feel guilty and bad but at the same time think that it was funny. Another reason is that people who are forbidden from doing most things are drawn to do them so when they are told not to this and that when they have a chance to do it they probably will.
Question 2
ReplyDeleteI disagree that children’s behavior is based more on genetics than their surroundings. I think that children’s behaviour is based more on their surroundings and the atmosphere that they are inside. So if, for example, children are being bullied at school, they start acting differently than they would act if they weren’t bullied. It has nothing to do with genetics, it’s just your surroundings and the atmosphere. Nobody really behave like their parents, genetics is just the matter of physical appearance, your physical looks. You really do look like your ancestors, but you don’t act like them. In the childhood your parents did the same: their behaviour was based more on their surroundings, however, it has nothing to do with genetics, as I said already. Another example is when a child is in a very happy atmosphere (surrounding), he feels happy and acts like a very happy person, so he acts nice, and it also has nothing to do with their genetics. In some very rare cases, child’s behavior can be based on genetics (only if a child is always with his/her parents without exceptions). But that’s not the matter with genetics, you are just behaving how you were taught to. Also there is another example when a child is living in a troubled family, and his/her dad (for example) harm the child and his/her mom. So he is also behaving how he/she was taught to in the childhood (hits his/her spouse, child), and the cycle continues. More and more people start to behave very badly until this family doesn’t go out from the world (until they all die). But still, it has nothing to do with genetics, just the atmosphere and the surroundings. Another example is when a person is very “cool”, like with iPhone and Apple computer, he acts “cool”, like he’s the most important person in the world. That’s bad, and that’s because of his “coolness”, and it has nothing to do with genetics either. So as you can see, I can give plenty of reasons why children’s behavior is based more on their surroundings than on genetics.
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ReplyDeleteThe question I will be addressing is question #2; Children’s behavior is based more on genetics than their surroundings- nature vs. nurture.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with the fact that children’s behavior is based more on their genetics more that there surroundings, because you could pick up a child when it is first born, and take it to a totally different environment, the child would be very different than if the child had grown up at home. Also, it does not matter if the child is with its parents or not, personality isn’t passed on through your blood; a personality is something you acquire through realizing you need to improve your attitude. If a child’s behavior is based on their parents behavior, than there behavior would have to stay the same there entire life, and after a couple days people would get boring because you would expect what they were going to say. Also, all siblings’ attitudes would be the same, and there are very different siblings in the world. One example would be my brother and me. He does not like math, whereas I do. And if you think about it, if children had the same attitude as there parents, if you trace back all of our ancestry, we would all most likely have the exact same attitude, and as you should be able to tell by now, humans have very different personalities, and no ones personality is the exact same. Therefore, human’s attitudes are based on their surroundings, not on there genetics.
1)Parents treat all their children equally.
ReplyDeleteI DISAGREE because if there is a younger child in the family the parents will probably pay more attention to that person. Like a little kid will annoy the bigger one and he/she gets mad and they get into a small fight, the smaller kid tells and exaggerates, the parents will believe them and get the bigger kid gets in HUGE trouble (Trust me, it’s happened before). Little kids lie to get the big kid in trouble and then the he/she always does. If they get into a fight or something else happens the parents usually get the older kid in trouble, and the little kid is off the hook. Little kids will do annoying things and if the older kid tells his parents, sometimes the parents won’t do anything to the kid. When a kid gets in trouble, they usually punish one kid more than the other.
If there are two kids, and one kid behaves well, and the other does not, the parents will like the kid that behaves well more. Or one kid might be really annoying or bratty so the parents might like the other one more. Parents could spend more time with one kid than the other.
It could be the gender. A son could be closer to his dad, and a daughter closer to her mom. Some parents spend more time with one of their kids than the other.
They might buy one kid (usually the smaller one) more presents or toys than the other.
These are my examples that parents do NOT always treat each child equally.
I do not agree that child’s behavior is only based on its genetics. I rather believe that it may be changed under circumstances surrounding him or her. For example, I think that if your ancestors were all good your behavior may be changed in real life: when you go to school and everyone around you is bullying you then you will try to pretend to be a mean person in order to defend yourself or just to fit into the school community and not to stay alone. In this case you can get used to be mean and rude and may stay like that for long time if not forever. It will not depend on your original genetics. Genetics will not simply matter here. Another instance is when you are from a troubled family, where your dad abuses you, and to defend yourself you have to be as rough as he is. However, in school it may be very different from your home situation since everyone will like you and you will not need to be bad and defend yourself. You may stay kind and nice to everyone. Personally I think that if a child wants to change then much is in her/his hands because genetics usually do not play key role and is not so strong that a child could not behave differently if he/she really wants it. That is why my opinion is as I stated above and I think that surrounding is an important ingredient when forming personal nature in addition to genetics. (Question 2)
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ReplyDeleteI chose to do number 1 (parents treat all there children equally) for my disagree and agree. I strongly agree with that.. Let me tell you some examples....
ReplyDelete1). When it is either my or my brothers birthday we both get gifts from our parents, it does not depend on whose birthday it is.
2). When me and my brother get quarrel, our parents say that it is both mine and his fault
3). When my mum found a good french teacher to come help me out my brother had to join me.
4). Whenever my mum buys books for me she always asks my brother if he is interested in any that she could buy.
5). When I got my first mobile phone i was 6 years old and my brother being 4 and a half got his as well, unfortunately I lost mine a month later. And my brother had to give his own to my dad.
6). Whenever i am with my friends my mum organizes so my brother was with his classmates.
7). When we entered our new apartment she asked both of us which room would you like.
8). Whenever my parents decide to go to a holiday they ask me and my brother where we should go and if we have different opinions they say come up with a place where both of you want to go.
9). When i started to go to ice-hockey my brother came with me.
These were the very different examples I had to give for this project!
Question 2.
ReplyDeleteI disagree that children’s behavior is based more on their genetics than their surroundings and nature. When we appear on earth we have specific genes, for everyone different. You can’t choose genes, they come with nature. You get it from your family. Genes are just things that you have and its hard to get rid of them but still the atmosphere you live in and your surrounding affect your behavior more. BUT you have the whole life to live and change. Sometimes we change, not even noticing. We change mentally, socially, physically and emotionally. So does our behavior. While we live we learn, and usually we have role models that we learn from. Sometimes these role models are a bad examples but sometimes good. When our surrounding is full of negative energy and relationships between each other in family, school, work...etc, is terrible, when no one is trust-full, people tell lies and they disrespect each other and you learn from them and you get used to behave like this, so you will behave like this every where. Usually you build your character from young years. If when you are small and you get bullied in school, in future you may do the same to other people as a revenge even if these people are innocent but that grievance will stay in you, and your behavior will be mean and nasty. So your behavior is based on in what conditions you live and how people that affect you behave. If the company that you are in is full of alcoholics and druggies(people who take drugs), than you will also get into it and also become like them. Its better to find a company for that you like, that have same interests and that you know are not harmful, but when you have no choice but to stay in this company full of alcoholics and druggies then you become like them. Sometimes when you are poor and you grow up like a hooligan because you have no home, and you live on the streets for the rest of your life, your behavior will be a disaster. Better become a good person with good behavior and manners from childhood.
I disagree that children develop their personality from their genetics and not from their surroundings. When we are young our brains are empty and need to be filled up with personality. We develop our personalities from the actions that occur all around us. Our personalities do not pre-exist in our mind. First we still need to learn a few things about life. For example, all of us would be basically the same if we were all separated from our parents and caged in the same cages. Another example is that if we took two babies and we treated them in different ways, then they would develop differently. If we took two babies, let them grow for a little bit and then separated them, and beat one every day and treated the other very well, then the first one would be mean and tough, and the other would be selfish. They would do this because they would think that it would be the right thing to do, based on their experience. This is the reason we have parents to take care of us. They train us to be good and make sure that we are not bad. Still, there are a lot of bad people in this world. This is because the parents were mean to them and set a bad example, or they didn’t give a strong example of being good. It is impossible to get our personalities from our genetics because (this is only a guess) sperm and the egg that contain the DNA only creates us, it does not have time to give us our personalities. That is why we get our personalities from surroundings.
ReplyDeleteParents treat all their children equally
ReplyDelete1) I AGREE the parents have to treat children equally and I think it doesn't matter girl or boy, how big you are or the way you look, talk and other things which parents may not so like in you but still they have to treat you and other children in ther family equally. You may think a lot of parents will not be with you so much time, not talk with you for example you have a smaller brother or sister you may think they love him/her more then you but they treat you equally as your brother/sister even if you don't see it but it is not always like thet some times parents may love your brother/sister more so you can just help them if your brother/sister are small. I think it's important thet parents treat all their children in the family equally because if they don't you will feel your self or someone other in your family may feel left out and i think it is not fair. Also you may think that in the family their always will be a kid which the parents will like a lot more then you and i think it will not heppen but if it will and it will in some families but you can always change if you will just be a bit more responsible and maybe even try to do more good things. You can always change the situation.
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ReplyDeleteQUESTION 2
ReplyDeleteI disagree that children’s behaviour is based more on their genetics then on their surroundings. Maybe when we were small your behaviour was based on genetics, because we didn’t have many things around us and we didn’t have as much friends then now. But now when we grow up we start to be cool and we start changing because of our surroundings (like girls or older kids). Our behaviour gets worse. We have the hole life to change and we actually will change, if we move in another country for a long time we will stop talking our native language and we will start talking other languages (like German). We will get new friends everything will be new, and our behaviour too.We can change in different ways physically, mentally etc. If we are around negative surroundings we will start acting negatively, because of peer pressure. Pets can also change our behaviour for example when you were small you dreamed to get a cat, and now you got it and you become happier.Example: When you are new in school and you want to be friends with cool guys, you try to show off in front of them what cool things you know how to do. They think you are cool and want to be friends with you. But when you see how they act and talk, you understand that this is negative surroundings and your behaviour change to negative because of peer pressure.
Number 1- Parents treat all the their children equally.
ReplyDeleteI strongly disagree because
1- They generally treat the youngest kid better because if it's a 2 year old baby who is having lots of tantrums, they've got to pay attention to them.
2- The older kid gets more attention, in my case, my older brother gets more respect, he gets to stay reading or on the internet until late in the night.
3- When I tell my mum that my older brother did a thing wrong, he kicks me and punches me and tells my mum it's not true and she BELIEVES him!
4- When I get something cool, my smaller gets it too.
5- In my family, you get your own room when you're 12. I got my own room when i was 11 3/4 , my smaller brother, got it when we moved here , when he was 8!
6- When I get new clothes, my little sisters get the same clothes too because my mum likes when we're the 3 wearing the same clothes. Every time there is a special occasion, she forces me to wear the same dresses/t-shirts/trousers as my little sisters who are 6 and 9 years younger than me.
6) People should feel bad about things which are not their fault. Disagree, I believe that people shouldn't feel bad about hings which are not their fault however, I do agree when you feel bad about the bad situations those happened to your famillies or friends but I disagree that you should feel bad about things you are not friends or famillies, and sometimes when you feel bad about everything, the person who has the bad situation can feel annoyed. For example when your friend's got a bad mark on a test, I agree that you feel bad but when someone you are not close to(everyone exept for your famillies or friends)got a bad mark or a bad situation, I would disagree about feeling bad. Another reason I disagree about feeling bad about.
ReplyDeleteQuestion 2
ReplyDeleteChildren’s behavior is based more on genetics than their surroundings- nature vs. nurture.
I disagree because if a toddler isn’t told by it’s surroundings (parents, older siblings, extended family, nursery staff) what right and wrong is than they will never know what is. If you teach a toddler right and wrong and keep correcting than he/her will grow up to be much better behaved. Also If he/her when they’re older hangs out with people that do bad stuff and misbehave and don’t care, than he/she might think it’s ok to do what they do. If they are brought up in a negative environment and are physically abused than they wont grow up to be nice people, so when they’re parents they will bring their kids up in a negative environment.
When they start to become more independent and start to get peer pressure they wont have their parents to remind him/her what right and wrong is, then maybe they start to smoke or do drugs. Also if the child’s parents don’t care about them than they will start to get away with things that you shouldn’t do. If him/her are the popular one at school than they might start to pick on the strange and unpopular ones. If they are the unpopular one than they may start to get depressed and not want to study or work. Personally my experience is that my mum is strict and my dads a pushover so I believe that I behave well but there are times when I misbehave. My final opinion is that if kids are bullied or not cared for than that will affect how they behave as they grow up.
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ReplyDeleteChildren who have troubled homes will always have problems when they grow up.
ReplyDeleteI agree,that when children with troubled homes grow up they face a lot of problems, that I am gonna mention right now.
Those children who have troubled homes have problems socializing with people who they don't know or even those who they know.
They will always be shy, they sometimes want to talk but are to shy and scared, that is one of the reasons why those children won't socialz with people.
In many cases those children who have troubled homes,they don't appear to have confidence in themselves,they will always be quite and would get often bullied even when they grow up + they will do what other people say to them to do they never have confidence of standing up for themselves and say no I won't .
Those people prefer to stay alone they hate to show there real side to anyone.Also when these children grow up they get aggressive and even would start to bully,to scare,to make fun
When those people get sad,lonely the way they think is right to get there feelings out is by drinking alcohol,taking drugs and smoking,and they would take those thing every single day, but sometimes they do these things because of peer pressure,and sometimes because they think that to drink alcohol,take drugs and smoke is right because they know that no one really cares about them, and they know there is no one to say "stop drinking all this stuff",they know that because there siblings and parents have problems at homes that they are busy in.There relationship with there parents and there siblings get weaker and weaker that soon start to fall apart.Also they get sad and may think them self as a failure if one of there siblings is more successful than the other which they take as a competition between siblings,that is just one other thing that weakens there relationships,so as there relations gets weaker those children start arguing with siblings,parents and there friends. children with troubled homes have hard time concentrating on there study's and future and loose interest in there study,there passions and there work.
Privacy means everything for them, and they don't like anyone coming and disturbing privacy or interfering in there lives,because they don't like it, when people know things about them.
As they grow some of them even get mental problem because of there stress,and sadly some of them have no one who would look after them,but some have not only mental problem also some other problem with there body,or even there heart.They get scared,sad, pissed off,and in a very aggressive mood, i don't really have the right word to explain it but its a very leave me alone type feeling,they feel like that when ever they are at there homes,and those problems that are going at there homes continuously disturbing there minds.
There are few children who grow up and when ever they get aggressive they would start to bully,to scare,to make fun of people, to just show there feelings out not for the person they are bulling but to show how mad they are about the problems that are happing at home.
These are just a few problems that children with troubled homes have,there are many more problem,difficulties they have to face in there lives.
555 words
ReplyDeleteI agree that parents treat all of their children equally,because all of them are a family and they love each other.However each child is treated in a different way because of their age!For example if you are a girl who is seven years old and you have a brother who is seven months old.You may think that all of the attention of your parents goes to your little brother because they babysit him all the time.But if you look to it in another way your parents also babysitted you when you were younger.And also,sometimes you just don't notice all the good stuff your parents give you or do to you.A real example that sopporetes my statement is:My little brother was 1 years old and my seven year old sister thought that all the attention went to my brother,however really my brother was babysitted and my sister was getting the shopping and knolege.So this is why my opinion is that parents treat all of their children equally.
Children who have troubled homes will always have
ReplyDeleteproblems when they grow up.
I agree with this statement because all the children, who
grow up in troubled homes, will have some similar
problems in future such as troubles which can include on
mental health problems and behavioral issues. I can prove
my opinion with a definition what a troubled home is. First
of all a family which parents always arguing in can be
classified as a troubled one. Also the problem may begin
when one of the family members is alcoholic or a
drug-taker. That may influence on parents arguing and on
anger on the others. It can influence all family because
when a family member comes home in a bad condition he
or she is angry and may start arguing with others because
of nothing. Stressful situation on all family may be caused
by the other problem when there is only one parent in a
family. Home violence can effect badly the other family
member with psychological problems. If the person has
psychological problems he will not have any friends as
others do. Appearance of such diseases as diabetes, heart
problems can be influenced by the negative atmosphere in
a family. Divorce is an event which is hardly bared by a
child because he or she feels lonely and unhappy without
love and care from both parents. Living in one of those
families a person can’t grow up physically and mentally
healthy. Each of provided arguments proves that a child
can’t feel comfortable in a troubled home. And even more
when such a child grows up he or she just doesn’t know
what a normal family is. And what does it mean to take
care about native people to love and protect them. It’s
quite hard and sometimes impossible for such a person to
trust to other people. When such a person makes his or
her own family he or she reflects his parents’ family on his
own one and makes other people unhappy because of his
or her complexes, fears and low self-esteem.