This is the sixth grade blog accompanying the website, Step into our classroom by your teacher, Troy White - www.stepintoourclassroom.org. This blog is a resource to help facilitate homework and in-class assignments. I am not alone in blogging, as everyone will be participating in the writing process via your personal blog. Writing is not only an art form, but a means of communication.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Nikitas N. and Kristians P. presentation
N<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/a/psi.kiev.ua/file/d/0B4asttP9rg1KLUVkbjlOZmM3WW8/preview" width="640" height="385"></iframe>
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Andrew Camp Green Lake Extended Response
Camp green lake affects the boys by teaching them discipline on how to behave and be good towards the environment and pretty much everyone. The way they try to point out to the boys how they must behave is a bit harsh although the boys will definitely remember not to do something bad again if they know the consequences. The way the people point out to the boys what they did is hard physical labour. As they dig their holes the boys must think what should they do next time so that they don’t get into this horrible situation ever again. This way is a bit crude although very efficient. This way is not torture but a cruel way to teach someone not to do something. What the boys have to do is dig one hole every day for 1 year and a half. The hole must be 5 feet deep and wide, you have a shovel five feet long to measure. Each boy gets a certain amount of water, if you run out and get dehydrated its your own fault. Every second wasted to dig the hole ment 1 second closer to the sun rising. The sun gave off blistering heat and pure discomfort. The food they get is plain and unappetizing. If any boy finds something interesting they must instantly bring it to the warden, if it is of any interest then you get the day off. Each one of the boys share tents quite far away from the digging area. The overall description of this camp is one word, horrible. You would never want to end up in a place like this.
Nikita K holes structured writing
describe what is The daily routine at camp Greenlake like.what is it like and how does it affect the boys 300 words
Camp Green-lakes routine is very cruel and awful for a multitude of reasons. The boys who were sent here become very rough and unhappy. They become more criminals than they were and it teaches them nothing.
They should dig holes 5 feet deep and 5 feet wide to “train their character” and make them ready to reenter society as non-criminals, but it teaches them to be even more evil and grumpy. This place is where nobody belongs, and as built only to help the warden find something. The boys live in awful tents and sleep in stinky sleeping bags. they have stupid names( they chose for themselves) like armpit, Zig-Zag, squid which proves their moral stupidness. They work from very early in the morning to the middle of the day when the sun is Very, Very hot. It is very hard and it doesn’t do any good to anybody. They have little water, no tasty meals and very strict watchers. They also get only a few minutes in the shower after their exaggerating day. Their restroom was once very nice with sofas and chair and even a TV. But the boys broke it all which shows that they were neither well taught nor re-taught. They are never happy and follow one of them like a leader even though he is not very strong. They aren’t friendly at all and rarely accept anyone in their group at first. One boy even stepped on a rattlesnake on purpose to get out of camp.They are all actually working for the evil warden who is much more interested in finding a long lost treasure than in the boys’ life. She will stop at nothing to get her money, even if it means killing some of them. Camp Green-lake is a horrible place to be in.
Camp Green-lakes routine is very cruel and awful for a multitude of reasons. The boys who were sent here become very rough and unhappy. They become more criminals than they were and it teaches them nothing.
They should dig holes 5 feet deep and 5 feet wide to “train their character” and make them ready to reenter society as non-criminals, but it teaches them to be even more evil and grumpy. This place is where nobody belongs, and as built only to help the warden find something. The boys live in awful tents and sleep in stinky sleeping bags. they have stupid names( they chose for themselves) like armpit, Zig-Zag, squid which proves their moral stupidness. They work from very early in the morning to the middle of the day when the sun is Very, Very hot. It is very hard and it doesn’t do any good to anybody. They have little water, no tasty meals and very strict watchers. They also get only a few minutes in the shower after their exaggerating day. Their restroom was once very nice with sofas and chair and even a TV. But the boys broke it all which shows that they were neither well taught nor re-taught. They are never happy and follow one of them like a leader even though he is not very strong. They aren’t friendly at all and rarely accept anyone in their group at first. One boy even stepped on a rattlesnake on purpose to get out of camp.They are all actually working for the evil warden who is much more interested in finding a long lost treasure than in the boys’ life. She will stop at nothing to get her money, even if it means killing some of them. Camp Green-lake is a horrible place to be in.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Reading Holes in pairs, KristianP & Tim
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/a/psi.kiev.ua/file/d/0B4asttP9rg1KN2tuelE2Slh3QU0/preview" width="640" height="385"></iframe>
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
The great galactic war.
Hello my name is Cadman Rony. Today is 2612. A time of war between the UNITED STATES OF EARTH and THE NATZY REFORMENS. I am going to write about my adventures . I live on earth with my mom. My dad is an earth general who fights with the Natzi group. My best friend is Kale Jane his father is also a earth general. He is from mars. It was a last day before summer holiday. We were walking from school. We talked about our plans for holiday. This night I was thinking of a way I can see my dad. And I had an Idea, it was to run from the home and fiend dad. So I said to Kale " Hey men do you want to see your dad, Yeh I wish they both come soon. I think we should find them'' I said ' what do you mean. Thair a ship heading to their section in 2 days. We should leave with them. We are already 14 years old Don’t be scared. I am not scared just, you know.” Kale said “ Okay what’s your suggestion?. I know the airport by hart. We will find the way to the ship and hide. I will email you the list of things to take. Ok see you tomorrow''. So I had my lunch and went upstairs into my room. And start writing the list. Gun, 2 jeans 2 tee-shirts 1 sweater 1 caught A camped knife. Flash lights..... Then I start preparing for the trip. In two days of wise preparing and making plans we were ready. I 00:00 I was by his door. Of we went and made our way to the airport and to the ship, trout the secret passage and to the ship. We hide for 30 minutes and The ship take of. And we were happy on our way to dads. But their was a hit and another hit. «we both thought of the same thing. Fighting with Natzy.
The ship was ambushed and soon we connected to them, the soldiers went to fight . We were in their ship now. And bam the ships disconnected and we were in their ship. It was a big ship. We went thru the ship hiding and we reached some secret room. There was a guard. We made some noise and 2 guns shot. And he the guard 2 bullets in his body. He was dead. We went to the thing he was grading. It was some canon. It was a water sucker. We need to destroy it. I took some bombs from the dead guard. We put them but the other guards were coming. We start shooting and running to the ship. Then, when we wear next to their jet fighters the UNITED STATES OF EARTH attacked the ship and they attached to the ship. We see our fathers leading the attack they also show us and run to us. and we went in to the ship. And their was a large exploitation and the ship disconnected. The bad ship was destroyed. And the secret weapon was gone.
The End
Hello my name is Cadman Rony. Today is 2612. A time of war between the UNITED STATES OF EARTH and THE NATZY REFORMENS. I am going to write about my adventures . I live on earth with my mom. My dad is an earth general who fights with the Natzi group. My best friend is Kale Jane his father is also a earth general. He is from mars. It was a last day before summer holiday. We were walking from school. We talked about our plans for holiday. This night I was thinking of a way I can see my dad. And I had an Idea, it was to run from the home and fiend dad. So I said to Kale " Hey men do you want to see your dad, Yeh I wish they both come soon. I think we should find them'' I said ' what do you mean. Thair a ship heading to their section in 2 days. We should leave with them. We are already 14 years old Don’t be scared. I am not scared just, you know.” Kale said “ Okay what’s your suggestion?. I know the airport by hart. We will find the way to the ship and hide. I will email you the list of things to take. Ok see you tomorrow''. So I had my lunch and went upstairs into my room. And start writing the list. Gun, 2 jeans 2 tee-shirts 1 sweater 1 caught A camped knife. Flash lights..... Then I start preparing for the trip. In two days of wise preparing and making plans we were ready. I 00:00 I was by his door. Of we went and made our way to the airport and to the ship, trout the secret passage and to the ship. We hide for 30 minutes and The ship take of. And we were happy on our way to dads. But their was a hit and another hit. «we both thought of the same thing. Fighting with Natzy.
The ship was ambushed and soon we connected to them, the soldiers went to fight . We were in their ship now. And bam the ships disconnected and we were in their ship. It was a big ship. We went thru the ship hiding and we reached some secret room. There was a guard. We made some noise and 2 guns shot. And he the guard 2 bullets in his body. He was dead. We went to the thing he was grading. It was some canon. It was a water sucker. We need to destroy it. I took some bombs from the dead guard. We put them but the other guards were coming. We start shooting and running to the ship. Then, when we wear next to their jet fighters the UNITED STATES OF EARTH attacked the ship and they attached to the ship. We see our fathers leading the attack they also show us and run to us. and we went in to the ship. And their was a large exploitation and the ship disconnected. The bad ship was destroyed. And the secret weapon was gone.
The End
Sunday, December 2, 2012
1)I disagree with the notion that "People age under 18 should be punished the same way as adults in terms of crime, I disagree"for a multitude of reasons. I think the kids may not controls their emotion.This is why we say adults and kids. They should be punished but not like that. I believe that you should not take kids from their parents or they grow up as criminals.
2) I disagree with the notion that people who cant read are not smart.
Their are some people that cant read as they are blind or, also they might be ill, mentally. Their are people who for example are very good in math but cant read.
3) I agree with the notion that it is better for children to make friend with their pierce then with adults for multiple reasons. The adults may not understand the the children as they want them to be perfect. And never full around. That forget where they where like and they need to remember that children need some freedom.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Lyuba and Haley Lyuba Anticipation Guide
Lyuba and Haley Anticipation Guide
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Soph & Sin's Anticipation Guide Dramatic Perfomance
One Day an 11 year old child and his older brother are going out to the mall. When they come get home it is way past their curfew. Their Parents get really mad at them and have to give them a punishment.
Parent 1. “ Where have you been it is way past your curfew”
Parent 2. “Yeah I agree you guys should have been home 4 hours ago”
Parent 1. “ You guys are up for a punishment”
Parent 2. “You are the older one and you have had way more experience than your younger brother, you know better than that”
Parent 1. “ You are grounded for three months”
Parent 2. “ For you young man you should not have been out that late but you have barely had any experience, your older brother should have told you”
Parent 1. “ You are Grounded for one month
Parent 2. “ Maybe he should get the same punishment as his brother”
Parent 1. “ No he is younger but he definitely needs to watch his back”
Parent 2. “ well it's settled you are both grounded”
While the younger brother walks up to his room his parents what to talk to his older brother about the punishment”
Now the older brother knows that he is teaching his younger brother bad stuff.
The End
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Eva 2nd Anticipation Guide
1) I do not agree that people under 18 should be punished for crimes the same way adults are. Because kids, ( they still are kids,) do not know what is wrong and what is right. I mean they do not fully understand the consequences of doing crimes. For example, a 16 year old kid can get put under lots peer pressure about hacking a very important piece of information/ a website. The kid might not understand what he is doing!This kids that made him do this might need it, but does he? I think that children should be taught the consequences of doing crimes, until it is too late!
2) It is better for young people to establish trust with their peers than with adults. I think that I will say that I disagree. Because yes, it is better to be friends with people your age. But when it comes to trusting someone the most, or sharing your personal feeling, I think the closest person in the world is your mom or dad. Because they understand everything, and they would NEVER,EVER,EVER gossip, rumor, or tell anybody about what you told them. Your parents will never give up on you, or betray you like a friend can.Parents are the best!
3) I strongly disagree that someone who can't read is unintelligent. Because some people just do not have the wealth, but they still survive! But the earth has very harsh conditions even for the poorest and innocent people! So, you need to be intelligent! Also, they may not have enough money to go to school, or to study!
2) It is better for young people to establish trust with their peers than with adults. I think that I will say that I disagree. Because yes, it is better to be friends with people your age. But when it comes to trusting someone the most, or sharing your personal feeling, I think the closest person in the world is your mom or dad. Because they understand everything, and they would NEVER,EVER,EVER gossip, rumor, or tell anybody about what you told them. Your parents will never give up on you, or betray you like a friend can.Parents are the best!
3) I strongly disagree that someone who can't read is unintelligent. Because some people just do not have the wealth, but they still survive! But the earth has very harsh conditions even for the poorest and innocent people! So, you need to be intelligent! Also, they may not have enough money to go to school, or to study!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Miles' Anticipation Guide
I disagree with the notion that “People under the age of 18 should be punished the same way as adults. “ for a multitude of reasons. I disagree because they are not that mature and they don’t understand things as much and they do crazy things. So they should not get punished the same way as adults but they should get punished. Kids are being charged for doing drugs but they are not mature enough and they do funny things and stupid things to be cool.
I disagree with the notion that “ someone who can’t read is unintelligent “ for a multitude of reasons. A lot of people who can’t read are intelligent because it is true reading makes you smarter but it doesn’t mean that, that is the only thing that will make you smart. Other things can make you smart such as math or any other subject but not the reading subject because this person does not know how to. When Albert Einstein was young he had troubles with reading but he turned out to be extremely smart.
I agree with the notion that “it is better that young people establish trust with their peers than adults” For a multitude of reasons. Because you should have some friends that are your age because you will grow up with people more like you and also not as much but you will not be the weird person in school who has no friends because that will most likely be really depressed. Also you should have kids who are at the same maturity level as you not everyone but some friends because you will probably grow up better.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The golden ball by Daniel S. 6l short story
The Golden Ball
Michael was fast asleep on the soft wool bed. It has been three days since he found the best treasure of his life. A ball of solid gold and unmatched beauty. He was quick-witted, so he did not stare for it long. Instead he quickly hid it under his shirt and ran off home. It was quite dangerous in the Schefford mine where he found it. His parents both worked as secretaries in the royal offices, and they did not have any time to spend with Michael. He went where he wanted and explored where he needed. The abandoned mine was a very popular place for kids, but also very dangerous. Already two of Michael’s friends have been killed by falling stalactites. The golden ball was only one part of Michael’s numerous treasures, but he adored it most of all. While michael was running home after the discovery of the ball, he spent a lot of time hiding and dodging contrabandits. After all, it was dangerous in victorian times. But the biggest danger was Thomas the crook. He was the meanest and sleaziest of all. He took nearly a quarter of Michael’s treasures. But the golden ball was safe. As much as Michael liked his golden ball he still had to lock it away in one of his treasure chests bulging with valuables.
After a normal week without any treasure hunting and any adventures something very scary for Michael happened. The golden ball was not in it’s chest. It was sitting right on top of his woolen bed. He was Amazed- and tried a desperate and dangerous thing. He called his best friend, Steve. Michael never believed in magic and when something extraordinary would happen he would think little of it. But this was not the time. He had to do something about his most valuable treasure appearing on his bed. Michael and Steve thought about it, and went to the library to research about the strange sphere. They found a very bizarre but not old book about magic quickly and began hastily flipping pages. Then they found it. Article that said nearly everything about the treasure. They began reading it. They quickly found out that the ball was called “The eye of Amanar” and that the last person to have the treasure was Clive Parkinson Meyer who lived in a very old house that looked like it was haunted. The house was located near the city in the countryside. They wanted to question him about the ball. They quickly ran to Michael’s house and began packing up until Steve noticed one thing. The golden ball could not be found anywhere. That made them pack up more quickly, not search for the golden eye. And so they went to the countryside with some old maps and a half-broken compass. But they have packe lots of gems to sell and buy any food and water they needed. They hired three carriages and finally reached their destination.
The old crumbly house stood there towering over Steve and Michael. Michael desperately banged his fist on the slightly decayed door of dark wood. An old man opened the door with a loud creak. He let the two boys in and finally Michael stammered. “Are you Clive ?” he asked in a faint but fast voice. The old man answered with a whisper. “yesss” he said looking sternly but a little bit frightened. Then somehow reading Michael’s mind he said: “the golden ball. you have found it. but only the good souls can have it. I had it once too. But I have committed a bad deed. That is why it disappeared.” The old man’s voice was loud and clear now. Michael barged out of the house and went home without saying a word. He was clearly disappointed with Clive’s words. Then he thought of it. The genius idea that Michael tried desperately. With sadness and despair he gathered his numerous gems and went to the bank. He sold all of them. And received lots of pounds which he then gave to charity. He returned home thinking of nothing. He did not try to dodge the bandits or hiding from hoodlums. He returned home to nothing but a miracle. The golden ball was sitting on his bed, gleaming. But michael gleamed more.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Miles' Zlateh extended Response
(He = zlateh)
How things changed from the way they were in the beginning the end.
The beginning.
He was a barn animal and not a pet.
The travel to sell him
for money for food.
zlateh was a barn animal .
The End
A house pet and basically family.
They have a strong bond with him.
In The beginning the bond between the animal and the humans was not as strong but before they got money for selling him to the butcher the realized that his is like family and never did anything wrong so they got lost while going to the butcher and in a snowstorm and they went home together ( the boy and zlateh).
Now they have a stronger bond and don’t and won’t sell him.
My generalization on the bond is it is strong between a human and an animal but if people like pigs as pets and like dogs too why don’t people usually say lets eat dog tonight but people say lets eat pig for breakfast. Well I think that it is because of people in the past which affected the future. Also what stops people from eating dogs is the fact that almost everyone finds them as pets.
and the biggest thing is the bond just like in the book when he refrained himself from selling the goat to the butcher for money for food .
How things changed from the way they were in the beginning the end.
The beginning.
He was a barn animal and not a pet.
The travel to sell him
for money for food.
zlateh was a barn animal .
The End
A house pet and basically family.
They have a strong bond with him.
In The beginning the bond between the animal and the humans was not as strong but before they got money for selling him to the butcher the realized that his is like family and never did anything wrong so they got lost while going to the butcher and in a snowstorm and they went home together ( the boy and zlateh).
Now they have a stronger bond and don’t and won’t sell him.
My generalization on the bond is it is strong between a human and an animal but if people like pigs as pets and like dogs too why don’t people usually say lets eat dog tonight but people say lets eat pig for breakfast. Well I think that it is because of people in the past which affected the future. Also what stops people from eating dogs is the fact that almost everyone finds them as pets.
and the biggest thing is the bond just like in the book when he refrained himself from selling the goat to the butcher for money for food .
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Zlateh The Goat Extended Response
Zlateh The Goat
In the beginning there was a family
that urgently needed money and the only thing they could sell was a goat named
Zlateh. The family had their son to go sell the goat to a butcher. The goat’s
relationship with people was good. She trusted them, and new where to go for
help. The son (Aaron) had felt bad knowing that he was not just selling her but
putting her down to her death. On the way there the goat had odd thoughts about
the area around her because everything was different. The roads were different,
the dogs were more aggressive, and there were many buildings. When they were
walking a strong wind came and got stronger and stronger overtime, Aaron was
wondering what was going on because it was a weird time of year for this type
of year for this weather. Next it began to hail, snow and storm. They luckily
found a haystack where they hid in for shelter through the storm. As they were
sitting in the hay they were wondering how this had happened. Aaron and his
goat were trapped in the haystack. As Aaron made a cozy hut for them to stay in
while the storm passed. To Aaron the goat still seemed like a dumb animal,
until the goat started to feed him when he felt hungry. Then he started to
speak to the goat like his best friend. He and his goat were trapped in the haystack
for 3 days. Until the snow started to fade away and they made their way home.
When they got home Aaron told his parents about how Zlateh fed him and they
never looked at Zlateh as just an animal buat a part of the family. The thing that majorly changed was their feelings and understanding of Zlateh of how useful she actually is.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Zlateh the goat extended response Daniel S.
At first the family of aaron treated Zlateh just like a goat. An animal. A tool. But Zlateh trusted them, and the humans never did here any harm. But once she could no longer work and give resources, they sent Zlateh with Aaron of to the market to the butcher. To sell her. But when they were walking to the market a strange miracle happened. Heavy snow began to fall. Zlateh and Aaron got into a haystack to survive. Strangely enough Zlateh gave milk and saved Aaron for four days of the terrible heavy snow. Because Zlateh saved Aaron’s life he and his family were so grateful that they never thought of selling Zlateh again. During the four days of survival in the haystack Aaron and zlateh bonded in a relationship higher than friendship. She was like a sister to Aaron. They even communicated and understood each other. When they returned Zlateh was a very precious part of the family because she saved Aaron’s life. The generalization that I can make based on the short story Zlateh the goat is that humans cannot understand and treat animals like friends and family members because they think of them as animals and very unimportant. But when in the short story Aaron and Zlateh survived together they began communicating and understanding each other because of love and friendship.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Extended Response
3. If you are guilty of a major crime you will get caught.
I agree because if you do it there will be traces left behind and evidence that can let professional cops find you like a giant black dot on a piece of paper. Sometimes if what you did made people suffer and you will crack under the pressure like one ton on a egg, although some are master criminals and won’t give up too easy. If it repeats they can slowly find you because of the marks left behind and local evidence. Police would be at every little thug hideout in the town and block the entrances and exits to the city and any escape attempt will be easy to see because of the massive awareness in the city. If for example you steal the Mona Lisa everyone in the world will be aware and ask every person in town if they have any evidence or have worked with the criminal. If they did have any clues they will combine all the gathered clues and find the person that everyone might have seen. If the criminal runs into a thick forest police K-9’s will find them and/or helicopters. Everyone would need to have verification to leave the city or to enter. Then after that they will search everywhere day and night until they find the person responsible for the crime and bring them to justice. They also cannot hide after having found the lost item, because of dna scans and fingerprints.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Agree or disagree?
1) People who are mentally ill are always aware of there sickness
I definitly dissagree because so many different sickenesses have different symtoms and most of them you cant control. Alot of them are not that bad of sicknesses but there are some that are really dangerouse and the people who have it might not know for example the person in tell tale heart he didn't really know that he was sick and he was trying to prove to us that he was not .But to some sicknesses there are many cures and you can get rid of it eventualy. Like cancer and many more things. But it is very improtant to remember that even thought you have a sickness we do need to treat everyone equelly because they are human beings . and also remeber in about a million years or whenever there is a genius we will have tools and medicine to cure up the sicknesses also people are going to the hospital sick and coming back cured That is why I strongly belive that people who are mentaly sick are not aware of it.
I definitly dissagree because so many different sickenesses have different symtoms and most of them you cant control. Alot of them are not that bad of sicknesses but there are some that are really dangerouse and the people who have it might not know for example the person in tell tale heart he didn't really know that he was sick and he was trying to prove to us that he was not .But to some sicknesses there are many cures and you can get rid of it eventualy. Like cancer and many more things. But it is very improtant to remember that even thought you have a sickness we do need to treat everyone equelly because they are human beings . and also remeber in about a million years or whenever there is a genius we will have tools and medicine to cure up the sicknesses also people are going to the hospital sick and coming back cured That is why I strongly belive that people who are mentaly sick are not aware of it.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Agree & Disagree by: Kristian Pedersen
If you are guilty of a major crime you will be eventually caught
I strongly agree, because when you commit a crime its really bad and someday you are gonna be caught anyway. Police sooner or later is going to find evidence and arrest you. Even if they don't find clues immediately, they are gonna invite Sherlock Holmes, and he will definitely find out about the crime. So it’s better not to do any crime at all!!!!! But most of all, after the crime inside yourself you will feel your conscience, and it’s gonna reap you to pieces, and someday you will give up. Why are people committing crimes? THey are lazy, instead of working they steal money and kill, kill, kill! It would be much better without crimes. Less people would die and everyone would be happy. Even if you do a crime someday people are going to find out and you're going to get in lots of trouble. I also researched that some people kill others being drunk or using the drugs. People are committing crimes if their girlfriend/boyfriend broke up and they do terrible things like suicide. Also when a person is surrounded by criminals, he most likely becomes a criminal too. If a person once makes a poor choice, it’s going to influence his whole life.
I strongly agree, because when you commit a crime its really bad and someday you are gonna be caught anyway. Police sooner or later is going to find evidence and arrest you. Even if they don't find clues immediately, they are gonna invite Sherlock Holmes, and he will definitely find out about the crime. So it’s better not to do any crime at all!!!!! But most of all, after the crime inside yourself you will feel your conscience, and it’s gonna reap you to pieces, and someday you will give up. Why are people committing crimes? THey are lazy, instead of working they steal money and kill, kill, kill! It would be much better without crimes. Less people would die and everyone would be happy. Even if you do a crime someday people are going to find out and you're going to get in lots of trouble. I also researched that some people kill others being drunk or using the drugs. People are committing crimes if their girlfriend/boyfriend broke up and they do terrible things like suicide. Also when a person is surrounded by criminals, he most likely becomes a criminal too. If a person once makes a poor choice, it’s going to influence his whole life.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Sina Barmoro Anticipation Guide "Tell Tale Heart"
If you are guilty of a major crime, you will eventually get caught
I agree, if it was a major crime then somebody must have heard about it. For example if the crime happened in a jewelry shop and the thief stole jewelry and the broke the glass window. If the window breaks then the crime must have been heard. Some one that heard the crime will call the police. Then the policies catch the thief and then because it was a major crime everybody will know and a lot of people (polices) will search. Then because it is such a big crime and all the police cars and ambulances are surrounding the shop all the security cameras then they have to be able to catch the thief. Also because it's a major crime then the place where the crime has happened has to be a popular place there for the crime has to be seen by the people living close to the store and they will call the policies and then someone might call the ambulance because someone might be hurt and the somebody might call the fire station because they might think that there is a fire. The whole group is there and all the evidence will get picked up. Finally they will get the thief take back what the thief store and then last but not least the thief is in TROUBLE!
I agree, if it was a major crime then somebody must have heard about it. For example if the crime happened in a jewelry shop and the thief stole jewelry and the broke the glass window. If the window breaks then the crime must have been heard. Some one that heard the crime will call the police. Then the policies catch the thief and then because it was a major crime everybody will know and a lot of people (polices) will search. Then because it is such a big crime and all the police cars and ambulances are surrounding the shop all the security cameras then they have to be able to catch the thief. Also because it's a major crime then the place where the crime has happened has to be a popular place there for the crime has to be seen by the people living close to the store and they will call the policies and then someone might call the ambulance because someone might be hurt and the somebody might call the fire station because they might think that there is a fire. The whole group is there and all the evidence will get picked up. Finally they will get the thief take back what the thief store and then last but not least the thief is in TROUBLE!
We are often our greatest enemies
I disagree. If a person is not mentally ill he isn't his biggest enemy or many more people would commit suicide just because they don't like themselves. It is other people who cause us problems by their mistakes not only ours. Ok everybody makes mistakes sometimes and can get depressed but most of the things that give us problems are what other people do to us.
Also even if we make mistakes, why should it be a problem? If other people did not get annoyed with our mistakes then there would not be any problems. As your own mistakes should not upset you too much. So if people accepted other people’s mistakes and did not get annoyed with what you did or who you are, then less people will get upset and blame themselves. For example, if teachers were not very stricted when students make mistakes the students would not blame themselves for their mistakes and get upset.
So in conclusion other people must be more kind and accept others when they make mistakes and not get angry or upset about these mistakes. Or people will just keep blaming themselves and thinking that they are their own greatest enemy.
I disagree. If a person is not mentally ill he isn't his biggest enemy or many more people would commit suicide just because they don't like themselves. It is other people who cause us problems by their mistakes not only ours. Ok everybody makes mistakes sometimes and can get depressed but most of the things that give us problems are what other people do to us.
Also even if we make mistakes, why should it be a problem? If other people did not get annoyed with our mistakes then there would not be any problems. As your own mistakes should not upset you too much. So if people accepted other people’s mistakes and did not get annoyed with what you did or who you are, then less people will get upset and blame themselves. For example, if teachers were not very stricted when students make mistakes the students would not blame themselves for their mistakes and get upset.
So in conclusion other people must be more kind and accept others when they make mistakes and not get angry or upset about these mistakes. Or people will just keep blaming themselves and thinking that they are their own greatest enemy.
Daniel S. tell tale heart anticipation guide
People who are mentally ill are always aware of their sickness. I strongly disagree with this statement because they live with their diseases as kids and are undiagnosed of them and what the diseases mean. They live nearly their whole life with the mental disease totally unaware of it, and then some person or a doctor tells them that they have a mental disease. For sure, in I think the person will not believe it, because would you believe a person coming and telling you that you have a disease that you have never known about. It (the disease) can even cause some unique symptoms in a person and even kill him or her, but the person will still not think it is a disease in them. The misinformed human will try to argue that he or she is totally sane, and even when he gets proof he will still not believe it. In the short story ‘’Tell-tale Heart’’ the murderer killed the old man just because he was afraid of his ‘’eagle eye”. This is an example of the crazy things the person with the disease will do and then when interrogated, the person will tell that he is totally sane, and will tell that he did the crazy deed ‘’professionally’’ and ‘’very good’’. That is why I think that humans who have a mental disease are not always aware of them.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
1) People who are mentally ill are always aware of their sickness.
I disagree as people may be so ill their mind will be very foggy and they will forget everything.
2) It is normal to hear things that are not their.
I disagree.Usually hearing not reall stuff is a first sign of craziness.For example the man in the story “Tall-tale Heart” was actually smart but crazzy.
3)If you are guilty of a major crime you will be eventually caught
I agree. If it is something truly very very terrible it is impossible to lie about it or if you are a very good lier bad things show up and when you say no I did not do this they will now it is a lie.
4) All humans share the same fears.
I disagree. All people are different. For example I am not scared of yucky stuff but I am scared of height. And my sister is scared of yucky stuff but is not scared of height
5) We are often our greatest enemies
I disagree. If a person is not mentally ill he isn't his biggest animes or then most of the people would commit suicide which I know a lot about.
6) If there is something you really need to take care of something and you can't it will slowly eat away at you.
I agree. If you can't work on something very important it will cause big problems. For example if you are going away for something really important in work time you will have very big problems if you don't do the business their.
I disagree as people may be so ill their mind will be very foggy and they will forget everything.
2) It is normal to hear things that are not their.
I disagree.Usually hearing not reall stuff is a first sign of craziness.For example the man in the story “Tall-tale Heart” was actually smart but crazzy.
3)If you are guilty of a major crime you will be eventually caught
I agree. If it is something truly very very terrible it is impossible to lie about it or if you are a very good lier bad things show up and when you say no I did not do this they will now it is a lie.
4) All humans share the same fears.
I disagree. All people are different. For example I am not scared of yucky stuff but I am scared of height. And my sister is scared of yucky stuff but is not scared of height
5) We are often our greatest enemies
I disagree. If a person is not mentally ill he isn't his biggest animes or then most of the people would commit suicide which I know a lot about.
6) If there is something you really need to take care of something and you can't it will slowly eat away at you.
I agree. If you can't work on something very important it will cause big problems. For example if you are going away for something really important in work time you will have very big problems if you don't do the business their.
Mr. White was born in London and then moved to India. He lived next to an old, abandoned factory.
He always wished to
go and explore it and once he did. He was curious about it. But he feared that
somebody will catch him. When he went there and start exploring it, on the
third floor he saw a monkey’s
paw and chased it. But suddenly the road finished and he almost fell,
from the other side of the factory was coming a Sergeant-Major. The boy was in despair but suddenly monkeys
head showed from under the shelter. And they both hid under the shelter until
the policeman went away. From that moment they became big friends.
About me.
I am from Russia. I was born in Switzerland. I
have a brother and one sister. I am 1 M
40 in a small city Lozano I when to Moocow when I was 6 months I lived
in Moocow for 7 years then I moved to Kiev. Now I am in Kiev I am 11 years old. My
favourite food is pizza and sushi. I like to play board hockey and make Lego. I
prefer to spend my vacations in Italy. I am a Jew. My favourite sports are
soccer, hand ball and judo. I really like Rock group Deep Purple, Red Hot Chili
Peppers Beetles. If would choose a country to live in I would choose Israel. I
LOVE the sea and whether in Israel.

Eva Anticipation Guide
I disagree that all humans share the same fears. Why?
In my opinion, fears don’t just appear out of nowhere, something needs to happen for there to be fear. For example, if when you were small, you were bitten by large, stray dogs, you might be terribly scared and have a phobia of dogs. These fears or phobias might slowly dissolve, but some leave people mentally feared for the rest of their lives, like a scar.
Also, some people might start of with the same fears, but some might leave them behind and some might keep them to themselves for the rest of their lives. Fears depend on the type of people. So let’s say once when you were small you almost drowned, and now you are terrified and NEVER go into the water. Some people are strong enough to OVERCOME their fear but this is very hard and you need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone. And other people might keep this inside of the and let it dwell into their heads that they are scared, and for example, that if they go into the water they will drown and die. Nobody will save them, and that’s what happens to most people.
I have a fear that robbers and bandits will come to my house and rob and kill me. Sound crazy right? But not to me. Even though we lock our doors EVERY night, and we have security guards on our territory and 16 different cameras watching out place, I still can’t sleep. I wake up when one tiny sound goes in the night! But my other friends had the same fear but they were over it very quickly!This is why I do not agree that all people share the same fears.
In my opinion, fears don’t just appear out of nowhere, something needs to happen for there to be fear. For example, if when you were small, you were bitten by large, stray dogs, you might be terribly scared and have a phobia of dogs. These fears or phobias might slowly dissolve, but some leave people mentally feared for the rest of their lives, like a scar.
Also, some people might start of with the same fears, but some might leave them behind and some might keep them to themselves for the rest of their lives. Fears depend on the type of people. So let’s say once when you were small you almost drowned, and now you are terrified and NEVER go into the water. Some people are strong enough to OVERCOME their fear but this is very hard and you need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone. And other people might keep this inside of the and let it dwell into their heads that they are scared, and for example, that if they go into the water they will drown and die. Nobody will save them, and that’s what happens to most people.
I have a fear that robbers and bandits will come to my house and rob and kill me. Sound crazy right? But not to me. Even though we lock our doors EVERY night, and we have security guards on our territory and 16 different cameras watching out place, I still can’t sleep. I wake up when one tiny sound goes in the night! But my other friends had the same fear but they were over it very quickly!This is why I do not agree that all people share the same fears.
Kristina Beradze Anticipation Guide
Tell a tale-heart
People who are mentally ill are always aware of their sickness...
I truly agree that people know they are mentally ill because they might see themselves in the mirror or a doctor might tell them they are ill. Probably they could feel their illness and they would realise they are ill because people that have anorexia will see and feel it but crazy people might oftenlly figure out they aren't crazy they might think they are but they aren't so I think agree and gisagree but mostly agree so people can know they are mentally ill and some can't. some people are born mentally ill and they would not know until someone tells them. Some people know they are mentally ill but they don't want to belive it.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Krista TTH Anticipation Guide
“Think I’ll Lose my mind if I don’t find something to pacify”
-Ozzy Osbourne
I agree that if you can’t solve something, it will drive you crazy. If you can not finish or fix something, or anything that you leave uncompleted, it will keep on gnawing on you, until - if the feeling is strong enough - it will drive you mad.
It’s because your mind will focus on this one specific thing you are concentrating on, and it will consume you so wholly that you will start to forget about everything else, sometimes you might even abandon food and drink, or sleep, which is (stating the obvious) bad for you.
Just take the man in the book, he kept on seeing an eye, and he wanted to kill the old man because of it. He was already crazy, but he kept on trying to kill the old man, and then when he did it, he felt immensely satisfied. It's a sick example, but it’s true. If you have a problem that is driving you mad, and you fix it or solve it, you will feel incredibly relieved and good inside.
That’s why I think that Ozzy had the right idea, saying he’d lose his mind if he didn’t find something to pacify.
-Ozzy Osbourne
I agree that if you can’t solve something, it will drive you crazy. If you can not finish or fix something, or anything that you leave uncompleted, it will keep on gnawing on you, until - if the feeling is strong enough - it will drive you mad.
It’s because your mind will focus on this one specific thing you are concentrating on, and it will consume you so wholly that you will start to forget about everything else, sometimes you might even abandon food and drink, or sleep, which is (stating the obvious) bad for you.
Just take the man in the book, he kept on seeing an eye, and he wanted to kill the old man because of it. He was already crazy, but he kept on trying to kill the old man, and then when he did it, he felt immensely satisfied. It's a sick example, but it’s true. If you have a problem that is driving you mad, and you fix it or solve it, you will feel incredibly relieved and good inside.
That’s why I think that Ozzy had the right idea, saying he’d lose his mind if he didn’t find something to pacify.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
"Tell-tale Heart" Media Critique...
“Tell-Tale Heart”
We will be reading this classic short story in class.
I found two interesting versions on the internet which might help build up our background information prior to reading.
View the following clips of or dealing with the “Tell-Tale Heart”
Obviously the first one is an accurate depiction of Poe’s work as it incorporates a reading of the actual text.
Which media clip do you prefer, why? Which one would best help a reader to understand the actual story? Identify both positives and negatives for each clip. You will need to express your opinions and observations ORALLY (yes, you must speak [oral language]) on our 6th grade "Tell-tell Heart" Voicethread (see HW page for the link).
We will be reading this classic short story in class.
I found two interesting versions on the internet which might help build up our background information prior to reading.
View the following clips of or dealing with the “Tell-Tale Heart”
Obviously the first one is an accurate depiction of Poe’s work as it incorporates a reading of the actual text.
Which media clip do you prefer, why? Which one would best help a reader to understand the actual story? Identify both positives and negatives for each clip. You will need to express your opinions and observations ORALLY (yes, you must speak [oral language]) on our 6th grade "Tell-tell Heart" Voicethread (see HW page for the link).
Sophia Lopukhin Anticipation Guide
Sophia L Unit 1 Anticipation Guide
“Tell-tale heart”
1) People who are mentally ill are always aware of there sickness?
I definitly disagree becuase each sickness has different symtons. Forinstance Down syndrom people are normal exept it takes them longer for them to learn. But with autism it is differnt they are like in there own world. II do think that people who are mentaly sick think they are normal because some of them are in there own world and they were born like that and to them that is normal. They also cant help it and we also never know because some of them can't talk and they cant express there feelings.
“Tell-tale heart”
1) People who are mentally ill are always aware of there sickness?
I definitly disagree becuase each sickness has different symtons. Forinstance Down syndrom people are normal exept it takes them longer for them to learn. But with autism it is differnt they are like in there own world. II do think that people who are mentaly sick think they are normal because some of them are in there own world and they were born like that and to them that is normal. They also cant help it and we also never know because some of them can't talk and they cant express there feelings.
Haley TTH Anticipation Guide Final Draft "Tell-Tale Heart"
People who are mentally ill are always aware of their sickness.
I disagree! And I think that because some people who have brain damage are also mentally ill but they sometimes aren’t aware of their sickness because they were never told of the disease or were forgot when they became ill. But at the same time, people can be aware if the disease isn’t as life-threatening as others or they have been told of the illness they are suffering but this doesn’t make them fully unaware. For example, if you say have a serious fracture in your skull and have had it for years but you were only told your skull has only a tiny crack in it, then you are aware that you have a split in their skull but aren’t aware of how big it is... understand? Kids who have brain illnesses aren’t usually told because they are too young and won’t understand, too. In conclusion, I disagree that people who are mentally ill are always aware of their sickness.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Tim Gist statement
There was a man named mr White that lived in an igloo in curse island, he was assigned by Sergant major from London to build and ice factory, but the only problem is that mr White fears penguins and he needed to use penguins as his workers because only penguins can make ice, so he had to face his fears because he was in dispair, HE HAD TO BECOME FRIENDS WITH PENGUINS!!!!!!, so mr White went to the penguin village and all the penguins started beating him with a stick, so then he ran away, but then he noticed that one of the penguins was following him, the penguin looked up at him and said my name is India and then mr White passed out because he never heard a penguin speak before. Mr White woke up in his igloo and India was bringing him tea, she said before you drink this tea make a wish, mr White made the wish and finished the tea and then he fell asleep, he had a dream that there were 97 penguins in his bed hugging him and then he woke up and it was true, now he can now finaly get the factory going. So then he went back to London and he got his reward. THE END
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